Thursday, 13 November 2008

The Courage to Pursue My Dreams

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop

to look fear in the face...You must do the thing you cannot do." Eleanor Roosevelt

Subhanallah! A publisher has finally expressed interest in publishing my children's book! I've waited so long I've almost given up hope of ever seeing my work in book form. But now wham bang! in the midst of dirty diapers and thrashing toddler I am offered this opportunity to pursue my dreams.

But there's still a lot to be done. I need to dust off my rusty illustration skills and open up my old manuscript folder, gather my tools and organise my work into publishable form. And what about my son! Who's going to mind him while I'm busy chasing after deadlines?!

Fear is raising up its ugly head.

But I must believe in myself. If I don't, how can I expect others to believe in me?

And never ever forget to put my trust in Allah.


Anonymous said...

as salamu 'alaykum

Masha'Allah, mabrook! That is very exciting. I'd love to read the book insha'Allah!

Mrs Honeybee said...


Thanks for your lovely comment! I haven't checked my blog for some time now as I knew I'd be tempted to stray from working on my project.

But it's so nice to get feedback from someone and it's an incentive to keep chugging along on my book!

Welcome to my blog, Umm Layth!

Your Worth as a Homemaker

  Mother and children, oil on canvas, 1941, Fernando Amarsolo My work, like others who choose to take on the role of homemakers, revolves mu...